This is to inform Italian nationals, parents of minor children, that starting from 14 June 2023 it is no longer necessary to present the act of consent of the other parent in order to obtain a new passport, pursuant to Legislative Decree 69/2023.
However, for the purposes of issuing a passport for minors, the obligation remains for consent signed by both parents or by the person exercising parental responsibility.
It is possible to request the issuance of a passport only by appointment by sending an email to
It is NOT possible to request a passport without an appointment.
The passport is an identification and travel document valid, except in particular cases, for the whole world (for further information see the website
An expiring passport cannot be renewed, i.e. its temporal validity cannot be extended: a new passport must be issued.
All minors traveling must have an individual travel document.
As a rule, Italian citizens resident in the consular district and registered with the A.I.R.E. can request the issuance of a passport at the Italian Embassy in Hanoi; in exceptional cases, duty motivated and documented, the passport can be issued to non-resident Italian citizens (after having acquired the authorization from the Police Headquarters or Consulate competent for residence).
Therefore, anyone who is not registered in the A.I.R.E. must first regularize his position via the Fast It webpage.
Address updates must be communicate via the Fast It webpage.
The necessary documentation to be presented on the day of the appointment is:
- the previous passport or, if you have not one, another identification document of the applicant;
- cash to pay for the passport;
- in the event that a passport is requested for a child under 18 years of age, an act of consent to the issue by the other parent, regardless of the marital status of the applicant (single, married, separated or divorced), with attached photocopy of the identity document. The signature on the consent document of the parent who is not a citizen of the European Union must be authenticated at the consular office the day of the appointment.
In the event of the death of one of the parents, it is necessary to present the parent’s death certificate;
- in the event that the applicant is no longer in possession of the previous passport following theft or loss, it is necessary to bring:
– the report made to the local authorities.
It is underlined that the physical presence of the applicant and – in the case of minors – of one of the two parents accompanied by the minor is required at the appointment to collect the electronic passport.
For further information and insights, we suggest clicking on the following link:
Information for issuing the emergency travel document ETD – Emergency Travel Document
Italian nationals whose passport was stolen or lost and are in an urgent need to leave must go 3-4 days before departure to the consular office, on the days it is open to the public, to be issued an ETD valid only for return to Italy, or to the country of permanent residence (in this case it’s necessary to prove the residence), with:
- 2 color passport photos, with the face in the foreground and a white background, measuring 4-4.5 cm in height and 3.2-3.5 cm in width;
- report issued by the local police authorities;
- return flight ticket/e-ticket to Italy or to the country of residence;
- photocopy of passport or other identification documents, if available;
- the equivalent in VND of Euro 1.34 (approximately 50,000 VND variable according to the quarterly Euro/VND exchange rate).
The ETD issued will allow the return to Italy or to the country of residence. However, it is necessary to go to the Vietnamese Immigration office in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City, with a Verbal Note from the Consular Office, which will carry out the required checks on the actual stay in Vietnam.
Passport theft or loss (residents abroad)
The theft or loss of passport must be reported to the competent local Police Authority and the Consular Office. The new document must be requested following the above instructions.
Issuance of a new passport (warnings)
All compatriots are also reminded to request the competent Vietnamese immigration authorities to transfer the Vietnamese visa to the new passport following issuance.
Electronic identity card
Italian nationals registered with AIRE in the consular district of Hanoi can request the issue of an electronic identity card. After acquiring the biometric data at the consular office, the card is sent by post to the Embassy.
- What is the electronic identity card?
The electronic identity card (CIE) is a personal identification document valid for identification and circulation in the European Union, in the states adhering to the Schengen agreement and in other states with which bilateral agreements have been reached (see the individual “cards Country” on the website
Compared to the paper version, the CIE also reports the tax code and through a microchip and a PIN code allows access to the digital services of the Public Administration and to the private services that participate in the service, just like the SPID. Through the CieSign app, you can electronically sign documents.
- To whom can the electronic identity card be issued?
To Italian citizens regularly residing in this consular district with full AIRE registration.
If you have changed your residence address (compared to the one previously communicated to the consular office), you must request the change of address via the Fast It portal before proceeding with booking the appointment.
- When can it be requested?
- In case of absence or replacement of a valid paper identity card;
- In case of of theft, loss or damage of the previous card
- in case of expiry of previous CIE.
- How do I request the electronic identity card?
The request for the electronic identity card must be made at the Consular Office, after booking the appointment via email at , indicating the applicant’s personal details (including tax code) and residence address.
Is it possible to request an appointment for my minor children?
- What documentation is needed to bring with you to the appointment to request the electronic identity card?
– A recent passport-sized photograph compliant with ICAO international standards;
– Previous identity card. In case you don’t have, an identification document (even if expired);
– Declaration of loss/theft of the previous card, if applicable;
– Act of consent from both parents if the applicant is a minor under 18 (see point 10).
- How do I receive the electronic identity card?
The CIE is issued by the Ministry of the Interior which sends it to the Embassy address. The Italian nationals will be able to follow the shipment independently online, using the tracking code.
- How long is the electronic identity card valid?
The validity of the electronic identity card varies depending on the age of the holder and is:
– 3 years of validity for minors aged between 0 and 3 years;
– 5 years of validity for minors aged between 4 and 17;
– 10 years of validity for adults.
- How much does the electronic identity card cost?
The issuing and shipping costs of the CIE amount to:
- 21.95 euros for the issue of a new card (first issue);
- 27.11 euros for issuing a duplicate.
- What is the act of consent?
Consent form for the issuance of an identity card for minors is also necessary in the case of unmarried, separated or divorced parents. If the other parent is an EU citizen, his/her presence at the Consulate is not necessary. The completed and signed consent form together with a photocopy of the passport or identity card of the person granting consent will be sufficient for comparing the signatures.
If the parent granting consent is not an EU citizen, he or she must sign the declaration of consent in one of the following ways:
- at the Consular Registry on the day of the appointment, with an identity document.
In the event of the death of one of the parents, a copy of the death certificate must be presented.
In the event that it is not possible to obtain the consent of the other parent, it will be necessary to request the issuance of a Decree from the Guardianship Judge.
- Do I have to ask for a new card if I change my address?
No. The identity card is a document of identity and not of residence.
- Is it possible for married women to enter their husband’s surname?
No. The identity card is a document of identity and not of marital status.
- Can I request an identity card from my municipality in Italy, even if I live abroad?
Italian nationals will have to check with the Municipality in Italy.