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Development cooperation

Over the years, Vietnam has made significant steps forward, reaching the rank of Middle Income Country (MIC) and showing great effectiveness in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. However, the Country now faces the challenge of making its growth stable, equitable and sustainable, especially in light of complications related to the pandemic, the Middle Income Trap and environmental emergencies due to the unsustainable exploitation of resources and climate change.

The Italian development cooperation has been present in Vietnam since 1990, when the first Financial Technical Agreement of Cooperation between the two Countries was signed. Today, Italy supports Vietnam in these new challenges and it is active in the Country with a cooperation programme consisting of 8 ongoing initiatives and 2 in pipeline, for a total amount of more than 117 million Euro.

Since 1998 the Italian development cooperation has an office in Hanoi with the role of assisting and monitoring all initiatives funded by Italy. Since 2007 this office is responsible for cooperation activities also in Cambodia and Laos. Starting from January 2016 – as a result of the reform of Italian development cooperation (L. 125/2014) – the office in Hanoi has become part of the Italian Development Cooperation Agency (AICS), acquiring financial and administrative autonomy from the Embassy of Italy in Hanoi. Since June 2022, the AICS office in Hanoi has regional competence on the far-eastern area.

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