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Italy participates in the European-Vietnamese Documentary Film Festival 2022

03-12 June 2022 

National Documentary and Scientific Film Studio, 465 Hoàng Hoa Thám, Hanoi

EUNIC (EU National Institutes for Culture) and the National Documentary and Scientific Film Studio have been successfully engaging audiences with fascinating documentary films for over ten years. The European-Vietnamese Documentary Film Festival 2022 is the 12th edition to take place from 3 to 12 June 2022, in Hanoi.

The 12th European-Vietnamese Documentary Film Festival brings together documentaries from 10 countries: Austria, Belgium (Wallonia-Brussels), France, Italy, Germany, Israel, Spain, Switzerland, Czech Republic, UK and from Vietnam, as the host country.

During 10 days, audience of Hanoi will have opportunity to watch a rich program of documentaries, with many of them have been awarded with prestigious prizes. This year’s selection covers a great diversity of themes: such as life of people leaving their countryside to climate change, from personal evolution due to social evolution, racism, or famous artists…

Watch the trailer at:

Full program at:  


The Italian documentary, “Molecole” by Andrea Segre, will be screened on Friday 10/06 at 19:35.
